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雅思口语Part 决战攻略(上)——南星微语言独家出品~

作者:香港研究生申请 来源:香港硕士留学 标签:香港院校排名





Elvis老师:很多学生以为大量备考Part1 & 2,至少是可以拿够分数,而in fact,真正决定成绩的是Part 3。即使咱们知道题库中所有的题,还是有大部分始终拿到5-5.5,突破不了6,就是因为大多数学生cram for exams(填鸭式备考),很多老师也倾向于adopt cramming method of teaching,自然,分数没有办法胜任要求……



1. 时间够不够2分钟

2. 考生是否是背答案

来决定问不问考生 Follow up questions


如果没有被问到Follow up questions,很有可能是觉得你是背的,于是想狠狠的在Part3虐一虐你(比如不断地抓你回答中的逻辑漏洞来问你)~


而有遇到Follow up question的考生会简单作答,然后考官自然流畅地进入到Part3,可能就是轻虐了(简单问一些问题,比较快速过渡到下一题)~






这里,Elvis老师将分享口语话题下part 3的答题方法供参考——



In China, how is a person's social status evaluated?




(why work?)

- the management: high education + rich experiences + distinguished skills

- the vagrants (流浪者): useless member of the society


In China, it’s more of a cliche that (同位语从句双击666) a person's social status is often assessed (词汇替换双击666) by the position the person has at work. What I mean is… the high position like... the management reflects how high the education he receives, how rich the experiences he has, and how distinguished his social skills are (宾语从句双击666). These kinds of people are basically respected by the public. People of the lower class, on the other hand (顺畅连接双击666), are often seen as useless members of the society. They are more likely to be eliminated in thiscompetitive (less common词汇双击666) society in China.



Then, how can a person become successful at his or her job?



love and passion

(how to show them?)

find interests

be self-motivated rather than be forced


set a high standard

(why we should do it)

improve ourselves

stand out in the crowds


hold on

(why and how to do it?)

hope may be at the endpoint

face challenges

don’t give up


If a person wants to achieve success (替换表达双击666) at his job, the most important factor is the love and passion, I reckon. The person must find his real interests and become totally self-motivated (词汇双击666) tofulfill (词汇双击666) tasks rather than be forced to. Second (顺畅连接双击666), the person needs to set a high standard for his performance, because he will improve himself continuously to reach the standard andend up standing out in the crowds (地道句型双击666). What’s more (顺畅连接双击666), the person must hold on to his job, since sometimes, hope may be at the endpoint. He should face challenges with guts (词汇双击666) and never give up.




需要注意到,part3部分考较为宏观的思维,不要去一味地说take myself as an example. 要叙述一般情况下发生的状况,有时候考官听完回答后,会问你’in general?’这时候的你应该机灵地意识到,考官不想听到我的亲身经历,而是说出道理或者一个群体作为距离对象。


Through what ways can people see advertisements?



We see ads all over the shop! If we go outside, ads are posted on billboards at the bus stops and subway stations, and we can also find various ads in big shopping malls especially right before Christmas. If we stay indoors, we are surrounded by ads as well, like…when we watch television programs, they pop up in between. Like…when we muck around on the internet, they appear from nowhere and some of them capture our attention literally.



Are ads more likely to succeed if they have celebrities in them?


I think so. Of course, this sort of ads involving celebrity endorsement needs extremely high cost, since basically pop stars charge more than others. However, the effect of famous people can help companies make profits. I mean, fans are attempted and there must be a lot of them starting to trust the products and wanting to have it a shot no matter how. What’s more, these ads have a positive influence on branding as well. Celebrities are basically seen as people with remarkable social status. And the public, who see famous people advertising something, will probably think the brand’s figure is identical to the celebrity’s figure. That makes sense, doesn’t it?




比如,本来是What is the value of reading letters that famous people in history have written?,换成问Some famous people in history wrote good letters, and what’s the benefit for us to read them now? 











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